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2017 week #15

four months old and hitting her first growth spurt  (i haven’t minded having a tiny baby one bit – it makes the precious newborn stage seem a bit longer)

indie loves to be held, look around, (a nosey little one ) and stand up on my lap.  she rolls tummy to back and is oh so close to doing the full 360.  she’s surprisingly strong and squirmy, and a joy to have around.

indie is quite vocal, making her preferences known loudly.   as the youngest of five, she seems to have figured out that you have to make yourself heard if you want attention!

being her only food source makes me indie’s strong favorite, and i just love it!


cinderella ( that little knot of hair on top of wren’s head is as close to a bun as we can get at this point )


two full heads of hair – it appears that indie has met her match in little beckett


sunny was so very excited when grandpa brought over a wild bunny that he’d caught.  she quickly named it “easter bunny” (real creative i know, but she wouldn’t be swayed by any of my more “artistic” names)


imagine the horror of two little girls (i.e. sunny and wren) who run outside first thing in the morning (to check on easter bunny) and discover a homicide scene.  all that remained of said rabbit were tuffs of fur and some blood in the water bowl – rather graphic for two girlies still in their nightgowns.

sunny came into the house an announced, “hudson was right – wolves did eat my bunny in the night!”  (hudson, older brother that he is, had been teasing her about that very thing the night before)
thinking sunny was joking, i went out to investigate and discovered she spoke the truth – some animal had completely eaten her bunny right out of a tightly shut cage.

coming back in the house, i found sunny in her room, under her covers, sobbing;  i comforted her for what seemed like forever, probably a whole minute or two, before hesitantly suggesting that maybe we could find another bunny.

say hello to chocolate, newest member of the gerber household.  may you please live longer than a day because i’ve already ordered a rabbit hutch on amazon


cooking with boys:
“i’m trying something different with the eggs – i cut up beef jerky sticks in them!”

*gag*  my adventuresome cooking is coming back around to me and i don’t think i like not being in control of the situation


kickball when daddy gets home from work

first upwards football game of the season

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  • sarah.flyingkitesKlint and I are lol on the bunny story (don’t tell Sunny!). The new bunny is adorable 🙂ReplyCancel

    • Amyi had to chuckle as i retold the day to clint too!ReplyCancel

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