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2018 week #9


oh the nerves…..the excitement (cline) …. the dread….(clint)  of the annual cub scout pine wood derby.

they try so hard every year, but with not much to show for it.  we tell the boys about how it’s not about winning and losing, but there have been some pretty disappointed boys in this family when their derby car was beat time and again.

i’m not sure what happened this year, if it was a total fluke or all the tiny tidbits the boys and clint have picked up over the years, but the tide changed.  cline won a few of his heats, and then the derby!  way to go team clint + cline.

honestly though, all the cub scouts do so good with their cars, their attitudes, and really have a fun evening.  this is a great pack


places to go, cat’s to chase


under the coaching of biggest brother hudson, sunny proudly showed me how she could ramp the 1″ concrete edge.
it was a real nail bitter


“i wish i was super-hero girl.  then i would save the day!”


indie knows what to raid from the open – and dirty – dishwasher


the kiddos were equally perplexed aghast when they saw my luscious (and quite huge) vegi delight sandwich and how excited i was to build and eat it.  


sunday morning magic show, curtesy of hudson

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