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2018 week #51

fiechter christmas and then a cousins birthday slumber party for our sunny buns.  the excitement level (and giggle level) was very high at our house.

the day it all started going downhill……

we had family home from AZ and were hoping to spend as much time as possible with them before they flew back home wednesday night.

indie didn’t look great monday, and mom was out of liquid ibuprofen, so i tried to get her to take a children’s chewable.
she refused…..i insisted…
she refused…..i pushed the table into her mouth……
she gagged…… and puked it all up on me.

i laid indie down for a short nap and then packed her up and headed home. she was soooo happy to be home, (we’d had a crazy busy couple days) and seemed like her normal busy self, but there was something about her eyes that still didn’t look great.

today, all five kiddos – and me – were sicker than dogs.  
fevers, sore throats, achy joints, head aches, coughs …… wren said even her eyeballs hurt.

quarantined sick house.  fevers were spiking all over the place, indie’s jumping over 105 degrees.

thinking that we probably just had influenza, but just in case it was the black death that wiped out all of europe, i made a doctors appointment – for all of us.  
the nurse didn’t think they’d ever had that many people in one exam room before. the doctor got a nervous look on her face after peeking around the corner and seeing us, and masked up immediately. the receptionist took pity on this pathetic bunch and just charged me for two office visits.

 diagnosis –  influenza, but i’m still not ruling out the plague.

we all started on antibiotics plus the little girls began a steroid for their lungs.  the doctor warned me that the steroid would make them fussy, but i didn’t think things could get much worse.

the days started blurring together, and i was becoming quite tearful.
honestly, i think i’m pretty tough and have a rather high pain tolerance, but this.was.awful.  not to mention seemingly endless.
i was getting lunch, sniffling, and feeling sorry for myself that the kids weren’t noticing that i was doing all their work even though i was sick too.   ( there was a definite pity party going on ) then, who should suddenly brighten my day, but sweet, crabby, little indie.  she came trotting into the dining room and proceeded to set the table all by herself.  an angel in disguise.
indie set about ten too many places, but i was not about to complain.

sick little eyes
bedhead and pajamas are the dress code around here

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