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2018 week #4

we all stayed at tim and non’s in arizona – like one big slumber party.  i think janon has got to be one of the best hostess’ in history.  she fattened us up like the thanksgiving turkey!
being the only male in the house, poor tin was the designated photographer before church.  (i guess that doesn’t count mavric, who was a model child – i love that boy!)


running in arizona is much more interesting than flat ol’ indiana.  almost makes up for the devious hills …..

hiking to see some indian ruins

diving and riding in a full size van brought back memories of the good old days.  i don’t recall our van ever being quite so modern though….


stumbling in the door at 4:30 am – this made my day!


that look of guilt


sunny has been diligently practicing this gymnastic skill ( a hip-over )

sidenote, i tried, and got stuck upside down


i’m not sure why sunny thought she needed cline’s 4-wheeler helmet when she was roller blading, but it did prove difficult to drink with


“it looks like chicken food!” declared iyla ann while helping me mix up a graham cracker crust

here’s to hoping it taste better

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