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2018 week #25

one pigtail in, one out. romper unsnapped, nose all snotty

this is monday



who knew that teaching the younger generation to do laundry would be so painful.  the first week (after having several items shrunk) i quickly realized that i should keep my job as the laundry switcher, and demote my laundry “helper” to  folder / hanger upper.  it seemed like a self explanatory job.  

i guess not….

we’ve had to add lessons on no, you shouldn’t fold things inside out, yes, you should try to match up the socks,  look at the tag to check the size – just maybe the clothes will end up on the right pile then, (no, wren and i do not wear the same size undies)  folding instead of wadding laundry into a ball, and definitely not shoving all the small items left in the laundry basket into the unmatched sock container.  

 i never realized that there was room for creativity in the laundry room either


somehow my  water bottle always seems to have a magnetic pull that a sippy cup or bottle just can’t duplicate


rock paper scissors – the manly way


playing with daddy is usually rougher, and more fun, that if it was just mom


i love waking up and seeing these precious faces

wren’s “special” rocks.  



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