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2018 week #14

messy morning mouth
i tried switching up little miss indies breakfast from her typical breakfast bar (that she makes a grand ol’ mess of ) to yogurt, but no luck.  indie hollered at me, refusing to take a bite of the yogurt, not quieting until i handed over her granola bar.  and if you know this gal, you realize that she has quite a set of lungs!


snow is beautiful, but please no more.  it’s springtime indiana – or didn’t you get the message?!


while the older kiddos did blanket rides with cousin chardin, indie introduced cove to the world of causing trouble 101


i could just hear indie thinking, “hmm, poor kid doesn’t know what to do with a door stop – better clue him in.”

after carefully inspecting the spring loaded doorstop, they spent a few minutes “boinging” in back and forth and forth and back

next, indie demonstrated how you can remove the rubber cap (definitely a chocking hazard) and chew on it – IF mommy hasn’t super glued it on lately.
yup, they’re in luck today

deciding that maybe indie was not a good influence his life, cove decided to hang out with me instead


growing rather tired of wren asking how many days ’til her birthday, and me forgetting the exact count, sunny took matters into her own hands, and created a cute check off  chart for wren.


“foxy” is a good cat
foxy stays on the rug, and doesn’t hide in my closet, or sit on my pillow
foxy sometimes gets to come in the house so wren can snuggle him – blitz is vanquished to a life outdoors ….. forever


the picture sunny drew of indie surprised me with it’s accuracy, especially the hair in the eyes and paci in the mouth.  sunny definitely got her imagination from her mama, but her observation and detail skills from her daddy.

rain or shine, they’ve been bouncing to their hearts content

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